Unity Asset Store or Unreal Marketplace?

If you want all the content, purchase from the Unity Asset Store. Purchases on Unreal Marketplace will come with ONLY the Unreal project, nothing else.


Unity Asset Store

The Unity Asset Store allows us to create “bonus” packages, which you can buy for free once you have the main pack. These bonus packages will have concept art, Substance Painter files, music and more.

Plus, any pack that is available on the Unreal Marketplace will be available as a bonus package on the Unity Asset Store.

Get it at the Asset Store, and get everything.


Unreal Marketplace

We are not able to include any bonus files on the Unreal Marketplace. This means that if you purchase from the Unreal Marketplace, you will only get the Unreal project files.

You will NOT get the Substance Painter source files, concept art, or any other file I wasn’t able to include in the Marketplace project. Music & sound effects are usually included in the Marketplace project.

If you want to import models & animations into Unreal, some of the packs may have the animations attached to the main .fbx. In those cases, refer to this Google sheet for animation frames.